IG LIVE TURNED PODCAST Real women. Real Conversations. Elevating womankind one talk at a time. An experience for exceptional women to go beyond the soul-sucking chitchat and daily BS of conversations to get real, raw and radical about legit topics women actually care about. www.jackiejaniec.com
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Beyond Small Talk #12: Goddess on the go with Leora Edut
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Real women. Real Conversations. Elevating womankind one talk at a time.
IG LIVE TOPIC: Goddess on the go with Leora Edut @goddesonthego1
HELLO GODDESS! That is how Leora Edut @goddessonthego1 says hello. Have you ever been called a goddess? Well, the first time Leora called me a goddess it felt so good and alittle baffling all at the same time. Am I really a goddess? What is a goddess? Wait, I want to be a goddess.
Today, on Beyond Small Talk, Leora will share how to embrace the goddess within even if you’ve never connected with that part of yourself before and more! You will leave the conversation one step closer to being A GODDESS!!! (insider secret: YOU ALREADY ARE!)
www.jackiejaniec.com • @jackie_janiec #beyondsmalltalk #womensupportingwomen #womenempowerment #womenscircle
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Beyond Small Talk #11: Being an expert on yourself with Karina Munoz
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Real women. Real Conversations. Elevating womankind one talk at a time.
IG LIVE TOPIC: Being an expert on yourself with Karina Munoz @lovekarinamunoz
Are you an expert on yourself? I mean, you would think you know yourself better than anyone else yet maybe not?
Today on Beyond Small Talk IG Live with Karina Munoz, we go there to discover how to get to know ourselves best to be our own expert and the perks in doing so. I have a sneaky feeling it's a life long process.
www.jackiejaniec.com • @jackie_janiec #beyondsmalltalk #womensupportingwomen #womenempowerment #womenscircle
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Beyond Small Talk #10: Summer of Self-Care and WTF with Lauren Mara
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Real women. Real Conversations. Elevating womankind one talk at a time.
IG LIVE TOPIC: Summer of Self-care and WTF with Lauren Mara
How many times has someone asked you "wanna a piece of gum?" Well, that was my mother's strategy for making friends. She sent me off to college orientation at SUNY Oswego in the summer of 1994 with a full pack of Trident.
Fortunately, a girl named Lauren @laurenmara13 accepted that piece of gum and now 26 years later is the co-host on today's Beyond Small Talk.
www.jackiejaniec.com • @jackie_janiec #beyondsmalltalk #womensupportingwomen #womenempowerment #womenscircle
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Beyond Small Talk #9: Health and your lady parts #2 with Betsy Cox
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Real women. Real Conversations. Elevating womankind one talk at a time.
IG LIVE TOPIC: Health and your lady parts #2 with Betsy Cox
Shout out to all women to join today's Beyond Small Talk on Health and your lady parts - part 2 with Betsy Cox from @betsycoxhealth.
Because Beyond Small Talk cares about you, about your health and especially about your lady parts!
www.jackiejaniec.com • @jackie_janiec #beyondsmalltalk #womensupportingwomen #womenempowerment #womenscircle
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Beyond Small Talk #8: You had me at Hola with Alexis Daria
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Real women. Real Conversations. Elevating womankind one talk at a time.
IG LIVE TOPIC Topic: You had me at Hola with Alexis Daria @alexisdaria
Alexis Daria "Beyond Small Talk was something we conceived together many years ago, and I love seeing how Jackie has transformed it into a platform to uplift womxn’s voices."
www.jackiejaniec.com • @jackie_janiec #beyondsmalltalk #womensupportingwomen
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Beyond Small Talk #7: Health and your lady parts with Betsy Cox
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Real women. Real Conversations. Elevating womankind one talk at a time.
IG LIVE TOPIC Topic: Health and your lady parts with Betsy Cox @betsycoxhealth
During our weekly check-in calls with Betsy Cox @betsycoxhealth, I mentioned my conundrum (thank you @timgunn I love this word) about my vag problems. Her first response, “that’s not exactly your vag” Wait What! At 43 years old I am mislabeling my own lady parts.
And that is exactly the problem for women. Lack of transparency, education and acceptance to talk about our lady parts and the evolution of our periods. Whether you are in your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s or beyond this is the conversation for you. Things you need to know now on how to stay healthy, especially your lady parts!
www.jackiejaniec.com • @jackie_janiec #beyondsmalltalk #womensupportingwomen
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Beyond Small Talk #6: The Millennial In Motion with Michelle Flagiello
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Real women. Real Conversations. Elevating womankind one talk at a time.
IG LIVE TOPIC Topic: The Millennial In Motion with Michelle Flagiello @themillennialinmotion
Have you ever had the balls to buck societal norms, to follow your heart, take risks and actually live life to the fullest.
Well in 2012, meeting Michelle Flagiello @themillennialinmotion it was 100% apparent that she was this. She was and is the girl who knows what brings her joy and makes her driving force in life.
www.jackiejaniec.com • @jackie_janiec #beyondsmalltalk #womensupportingwomen #womenempowerment #womenscircle
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Beyond Small Talk #5: Ally and the family with Pamela Delgado
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Real women. Real Conversations. Elevating womankind one talk at a time.
IG LIVE TOPIC Topic: Ally and the family with Pamela Delgado @rawlybold
Have you ever had someone more confident in YOU than YOU? On September 8, 2017, this woman was Pamela Delagdo @heypamd for me. She invited me to participate in a photoshoot for her apparel company @Rawlybold. The company’s mission is to inspire, motivate and empower women so absolutely I wanted in yet many of my old limiting beliefs popped in my head fast and furious. I am old, I am fat and I will ruin her shoot just to name a few. I literally emailed her 5 times going back and forth whether I could do this or not. Her patience, kindness and inspiring energy moved me to a hard YES!
Pam is that type of woman - An ally, an accomplice, the woman you want on your team. A woman who helps you Rise Up, Dare to Dream and Trust Yo-Self (All t-shirt slogans to shop @rawlybold).
www.jackiejaniec.com • @jackie_janiec #beyondsmalltalk #womensupportingwomen #womenempowerment #womenscircle
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Beyond Small Talk #4: SamoraLife with Samora Suber
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Real women. Real Conversations. Elevating womankind one talk at a time.
IG LIVE TOPIC Topic: SamoraLIfe with Samora Suber @samoralife
Beyond Small Talk is a conviction that a woman's voice matters and deserves to be heard. And today it is even more important that a black woman's voice is heard because SHE MATTERS.
Back in May of 2013, Samora and I went through a facilitator training with an organization called She Creates Change. This particular week was transformational. 11 women representing literally every race was present and had the most honest and open discussion about white privilege. That was 7 years ago and while all those 11 women have created change in herself and in the world, it does not feel like the rest of the world has kept up.
www.jackiejaniec.com • @jackie_janiec #beyondsmalltalk #womensupportingwomen #womenempowerment #womenscircle
Thursday May 28, 2020
Beyond Small Talk #3: Marriage and the Pandemic with Caitlin Nystrom
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
Real women. Real Conversations. Elevating womankind one talk at a time.
IG LIVE TOPIC Topic: Marriage and the Pandemic with Caitlin Nystrom @stylenmotionshop
Have YOU ever opened your mailbox expecting bills and spam mail yet instead receive a handwritten beautiful note on a phenomenal notecard with a message that HITS THE NAIL ON THE HEAD. Then you know what kind of smile is automatically plastered on your face.
This was in my mailbox from the talented, stylish, and kind-hearted friend Caitlin, founder of @stylenmotionshop. She has wisdom beyond her married years. We will talk about how throwing out the rule book, spending real-time together and open communication has been the foundation in her relationship, especially during a pandemic.
www.jackiejaniec.com • @jackie_janiec #beyondsmalltalk #womensupportingwomen